Right now I can run 1km with or without kneesupport. That's the maximum! So as you can imagine I have a very long way to my goal still...
Anyway, first time I ran this 1km it went 8minutes -today it took only 7minutes and 20seconds! I didn't feel like I was running faster or even trying to do it... First time when I went I thought it would take over 10minutes -but I was way faster! So now I'll focus on not running faster or longer, but to run this untill it stops hurting in my legs and chest. Then when 1km feels okay I'll add some length and propably run 2km, or 1,5km.
Just one problem: 3.5 is Väriestejuoksu Vasa, and that is 5km with obstacles..! Oh dear, I don't think I'll get in shape that fast. Well, hopefully someone else can take it slow- or the entusiasm and joy will help me run it way beter! I remember Nice Run 2010 (or 11) when I was supposed to take it slow -and I ended up encouraging my "teammate" to run the whole 5 km with me!! Hopefully something similar will happen this time -and hopefully my knees will be okay the whole way....
About my knees, as I said I ran without my support this time and it went even beter. So at home I discussed with my father that has way more experience with injuries than I and we came to the conclusion; that support I had been using was too tight for my leg and it was too "thick material" so when I bended my knee it hurted! So away with it and I'll try something else instead, maybe some kind of tape that you find on the pharmacy... I'll have to try out what is good for me.
He also said that I should focus on my legmuscles and build them -but after hearing I can do over 100 squats without problem he realized that wasn't the issue either.
Well, this is how I'll try my weekly program will look (but the weekdays/when I do what will change according to when my son is in daycare):
Monday: running 1km and indoor cardio
Tuesday: gym with friend
Wednesday: Running 1km
Thursday: gym with friend
Friday: homegym
Saturday: rest
Sunday: running on sandroad/in forrest
So I will not do cardio and strength the same day, but will focus on both still. Sounds good?
Vardagslivet med en son i behov av speciellt stöd, husrenovering, trotsig dotter, fem bonusbarn, jakten på sin drömkropp och iver att vara med som spindeln i nätet överallt.
fredag 11 april 2014
tisdag 8 april 2014
First update
Cleaned up a mudpile on my lawn so I can put some flowers there later, although there is allready some few flowers that seem to have survived the winter! I'm just not sure about one thing: should I remove the dead parts of the flowers or let it just be?? You know, the dry brown parts that still is attached to the now green leaves... What do you think?
Also I cleaned up this place and digged up the stones, I think it looks beter now than when the stones was covered by grass and leaves and dirt, what do you think? Next I'll carry stones and put them around my black "candletower",,, and around the edge of that other round concrete... So it would be nice with flowers that doesn't grow so high here, and a BIG pot on the left-round with some big flowers -like sunflowers...
Any ideas what short flowers to put here?? I'd prefer eatable or atleast not very poisonuos since I have 2 children that might want to taste them during the summer...
Also I cleaned up this place and digged up the stones, I think it looks beter now than when the stones was covered by grass and leaves and dirt, what do you think? Next I'll carry stones and put them around my black "candletower",,, and around the edge of that other round concrete... So it would be nice with flowers that doesn't grow so high here, and a BIG pot on the left-round with some big flowers -like sunflowers...
Any ideas what short flowers to put here?? I'd prefer eatable or atleast not very poisonuos since I have 2 children that might want to taste them during the summer...
Love the gym
I haven't been to any gym for a very long time now, but Today I went with my "almost neighbour" to the local gym. They have "airpressure equipment" (not the ones where you put on more iron-weights) so you never know if they really are as heavy as they should -or even heavier!
Anyway it was wonderful to go! I worked out 40 minutes -warm-up on crosstrainer about 15-20 minutes and one set on each machine. Then Nina woke up and wanted to go home and eat... so I had to leave -for now.
Next week when Viggo is in daycare I'll propably go again -and this time make sure to go right after Nina has eaten something so she is satisfied for a longer time... today I just decided on 15 minutes to go with her so...
A downside is that they take 6€ for going to the gym, I hoped they would have had as their swimming; once a week=free for unemployed. But no... sigh. Oh well, I'll think about it and maybe invest in a "yearcard" or something like that (if they even have them here?) if I think I can afford it.
And the event, Väriestejuoksu, is getting closer and closer (3.5.14)! And I can't really run... I tried this weekend but I got so sore legs right away so I could barely run/walk 1,5km... and the event is a 5km long run with obstacles along the way. I really need to start running more...!
Anyway it was wonderful to go! I worked out 40 minutes -warm-up on crosstrainer about 15-20 minutes and one set on each machine. Then Nina woke up and wanted to go home and eat... so I had to leave -for now.
Next week when Viggo is in daycare I'll propably go again -and this time make sure to go right after Nina has eaten something so she is satisfied for a longer time... today I just decided on 15 minutes to go with her so...
A downside is that they take 6€ for going to the gym, I hoped they would have had as their swimming; once a week=free for unemployed. But no... sigh. Oh well, I'll think about it and maybe invest in a "yearcard" or something like that (if they even have them here?) if I think I can afford it.
And the event, Väriestejuoksu, is getting closer and closer (3.5.14)! And I can't really run... I tried this weekend but I got so sore legs right away so I could barely run/walk 1,5km... and the event is a 5km long run with obstacles along the way. I really need to start running more...!
fredag 4 april 2014
Right now
Here are some pics from my garden/outside my house right now.
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Morningsun-side. Maybe some climbing plants and some tall flowers in the middle? |
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So going to make this the kids playground with small house etc... |
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A small hill of flowerdirt... |
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What flower is this? White I saw earlier... anyone knows? On that pile of dirt |
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Frontside of house |
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What fun should I do with this branch? |
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Hmmm, eatable? |
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What is this? |
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What is growing among my bushes?? |
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Flowers later or just green bush? |
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And what could this redish plant be? |
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Berries! |
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Brown branches, red branches with thornes... |
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What kind of bush is it?? |
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Going to grow carrots etc here. |
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What could this bush with thornes be? Will there be flowers later?? |
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Dad said this is flowers, but what kind? |
torsdag 3 april 2014
Pacific Rim
Yesterday I had a friend over and we watched "Pacific Rim". I had never even heard of this movie so I didn't have so high expectations.
But, it had really well done efects, alot of action, a very basic and not so intresting storyline... although they more focused on the action and the sci-fi than on the story about loss, love etc.
So I'd say it is totally okay, alot beter than I expected but could have been even beter with some more "flesh on the bone" and not just action on action with action. My suggestion, watch it when you don't want to concentrate too much and when you have a friend over.
But, it had really well done efects, alot of action, a very basic and not so intresting storyline... although they more focused on the action and the sci-fi than on the story about loss, love etc.
So I'd say it is totally okay, alot beter than I expected but could have been even beter with some more "flesh on the bone" and not just action on action with action. My suggestion, watch it when you don't want to concentrate too much and when you have a friend over.
Mina bloggar blir väl snart för många men vad gör det? Innebär ju bara att jag skriver mera sällan på vissa bloggar (som denna)....
Viggo är hela dan i dagis idag (9-16) för första gången! Hoppas det har gått bra... men nog tror jag det. Så jag har passat på och fortsatt reda upp i förrådet och garaget! Garaget kommer sedan att vara min pysselplats (då vädret tillåter eftersom det inte finns nå värme i det) och har fått upp ett skåp i förrådet nu, ska hämta flera här något tag (har två stycken som jag ska få hämta bara jag får passligt).
Gården har blivit krattad klart runt hela, har handlat blomfrön mm.... men men! Det får ni ju läsa om på min nyöppnade trädgårdsblogg (på engelska)! Så nu har jag fyra bloggar, milda tider...! haha
Rutinerna har blivit löpande här hemma nu också, med uppstigning kl 7-8, barnprogram och morgonmål, lunch 11-11.30, ut på gården en stund, dagsvila 13-14, mellanmål, lek, mat, oså allmän lek och mysstund tills kvällsbit runt 19-19.30 och kl 20 god natt! Nätterna är fortfarande "osäkra"... ibland går det tämligen bra att sova för Viggo och ibland inte. Nina vaknar ungefär en eller två gånger (alltså från 20-7) och Viggo 1-5 gånger... och jo, jag räknar nattskräck till att vakna också fast man egentligen inte vaknar då!
Har lånat min mors dator nu medan hon är på arbetsresa, så får börja skriva min hemtent i riktigt skrivprogram nu istället för att skriva i ett häfte. Skönt! Och då ser jag bättre också hur många sidor det egentligen blir så jag vet om jag måste "brodera ut" något svar eller om det räcker. Jag tycker bättre om att skriva kort, slagkraftigt och tydligt än att brodera ut svaren mycket så det blir svårläst och i värsta fall råddigt. Men är det en viss mängd sidor det skall vara så är det väl bäst att se till så det blir det också..!
Nåja, kan ju också berätta att jag var ut till Waild för nån helg sen. Jättekul att vara ut och dansa igen! Saknat det något oerhört, fast inte skulle jag orka varenda helg eller ens varannan längre. Nog var det ändå skönt att komma hem till barnen sen.
Men inte desto mindre hade jag jättekul så tack så mycket mina underbara vänner!!
På måndag klipper jag mig!! Hjälp! Har varit långhårig såå länge nu, men velat klippa mig länge... så nu är det dags! Blir samma frisyr som 2007, samma frisörska också...
Klippte annars Viggos hår också för några dar sedan... nackhåret hade ju blivit så långt så det for i munnen på honom -då är det dags att klippa fast han var så söt i sitt långa hår! Nu ser han så vuxen ut... men han är min lilla prins ändå!
Nej nu ska jag dricka lite te, recensera kort "Pacific Rim" på min filmblogg och kanske börja se på nyaste Thor... beroende på vad jag hinner innan klockan blir 15.30 då jag ska gå iväg efter Viggo från dagis.
Viggo är hela dan i dagis idag (9-16) för första gången! Hoppas det har gått bra... men nog tror jag det. Så jag har passat på och fortsatt reda upp i förrådet och garaget! Garaget kommer sedan att vara min pysselplats (då vädret tillåter eftersom det inte finns nå värme i det) och har fått upp ett skåp i förrådet nu, ska hämta flera här något tag (har två stycken som jag ska få hämta bara jag får passligt).
Gården har blivit krattad klart runt hela, har handlat blomfrön mm.... men men! Det får ni ju läsa om på min nyöppnade trädgårdsblogg (på engelska)! Så nu har jag fyra bloggar, milda tider...! haha
Rutinerna har blivit löpande här hemma nu också, med uppstigning kl 7-8, barnprogram och morgonmål, lunch 11-11.30, ut på gården en stund, dagsvila 13-14, mellanmål, lek, mat, oså allmän lek och mysstund tills kvällsbit runt 19-19.30 och kl 20 god natt! Nätterna är fortfarande "osäkra"... ibland går det tämligen bra att sova för Viggo och ibland inte. Nina vaknar ungefär en eller två gånger (alltså från 20-7) och Viggo 1-5 gånger... och jo, jag räknar nattskräck till att vakna också fast man egentligen inte vaknar då!
Har lånat min mors dator nu medan hon är på arbetsresa, så får börja skriva min hemtent i riktigt skrivprogram nu istället för att skriva i ett häfte. Skönt! Och då ser jag bättre också hur många sidor det egentligen blir så jag vet om jag måste "brodera ut" något svar eller om det räcker. Jag tycker bättre om att skriva kort, slagkraftigt och tydligt än att brodera ut svaren mycket så det blir svårläst och i värsta fall råddigt. Men är det en viss mängd sidor det skall vara så är det väl bäst att se till så det blir det också..!
Nåja, kan ju också berätta att jag var ut till Waild för nån helg sen. Jättekul att vara ut och dansa igen! Saknat det något oerhört, fast inte skulle jag orka varenda helg eller ens varannan längre. Nog var det ändå skönt att komma hem till barnen sen.
Men inte desto mindre hade jag jättekul så tack så mycket mina underbara vänner!!
På måndag klipper jag mig!! Hjälp! Har varit långhårig såå länge nu, men velat klippa mig länge... så nu är det dags! Blir samma frisyr som 2007, samma frisörska också...
Klippte annars Viggos hår också för några dar sedan... nackhåret hade ju blivit så långt så det for i munnen på honom -då är det dags att klippa fast han var så söt i sitt långa hår! Nu ser han så vuxen ut... men han är min lilla prins ändå!
Nej nu ska jag dricka lite te, recensera kort "Pacific Rim" på min filmblogg och kanske börja se på nyaste Thor... beroende på vad jag hinner innan klockan blir 15.30 då jag ska gå iväg efter Viggo från dagis.
tisdag 1 april 2014
My first writing
I'll have a gardenblog as well beside my blog about movies/books, trainig and my ordinary-life. How much I'll have time to write etc I don't know, we'll see that. Also with making the garden as I want will be difficult with two small children and being a singlemom!
But there are many years to do things... so lets get started!
But there are many years to do things... so lets get started!
New Workoutroutine
As I said earlier in March, I will change my morningworkout now. I think I said I'll do it from the first Monday in April but I decided to do it today, on the first April. So here is my new routine;
Today I should also give an update on my progress from my last "check"... but I did the test yesterday so here it goes:
And the next measurements are NOT taken by the same person as last time and NOT with the same kind of method either, so it's possible that the measurements are different because of these two factors and misguiding. Also I don't have any scale showing fat% or even weight anymore so I can't give you any updates on that right now.
Anyway, the ones with bold style will be the ones I'll measure from now on. Every third month, which means the next time will be 1st July. But if I find a measure-band like the original one I'll try again just to get a better look on if it's going wrong or right!
- Wallsitt: 1m -30sec break -1min -30sec break -1m
- Plank: 1m -30sec break -1m -30sec break -1m
- Donkey kicks: 30 -30sec break -30 -30sec break -40 (each leg)
- Crunches: 50 -30sec break -50 -30sec break -50
- Pushups on knee: 25 -30sec break -25 -30sec break -25
- Supermans: 25 -30sec break -25 -30sec break -25
Today I should also give an update on my progress from my last "check"... but I did the test yesterday so here it goes:
- Pushups on knees: 30 (+7)
- Situps: 25 (+25)
- Squats: (still way over 100 possible so stopped there since that is best result you can get)
- Plank: 2minutes 15seconds (+15seconds)
And the next measurements are NOT taken by the same person as last time and NOT with the same kind of method either, so it's possible that the measurements are different because of these two factors and misguiding. Also I don't have any scale showing fat% or even weight anymore so I can't give you any updates on that right now.
- Right arm: 32,4 cm (+3,1cm)
- Left arm: 32,2 cm(+2,2cm)
- Breast: 94,5 cm(-2,7cm but last time immediately after workout)
- Waistline: 89,9 cm (+2,6cm eaten for 1 hour ago, last time on morning before eating anything)
- Ass: 94,1 cm(+1,1cm)
- Right thigh: 57,7 cm(+0,9cm)
- Left thigh: 57,5 cm(+1cm)
Anyway, the ones with bold style will be the ones I'll measure from now on. Every third month, which means the next time will be 1st July. But if I find a measure-band like the original one I'll try again just to get a better look on if it's going wrong or right!
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