tisdag 8 april 2014

First update

 Cleaned up a mudpile on my lawn so I can put some flowers there later, although there is allready some few flowers that seem to have survived the winter! I'm just not sure about one thing: should I remove the dead parts of the flowers or let it just be?? You know, the dry brown parts that still is attached to the now green leaves... What do you think?

Also I cleaned up this place and digged up the stones, I think it looks beter now than when the stones was covered by grass and leaves and dirt, what do you think? Next I'll carry stones and put them around my black "candletower",,, and around the edge of that other round concrete... So it would be nice with flowers that doesn't grow so high here, and a BIG pot on the left-round with some big flowers -like sunflowers...
Any ideas what short flowers to put here?? I'd prefer eatable or atleast not very poisonuos since I have 2 children that might want to taste them during the summer...

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