onsdag 2 juli 2014

Embarrased July

Well needless to say, the scale is not moving the way I want it to...
here are the results anyway.

  • Weight 57,3-58,7 kg (+1,4)
  • Fat 37,3-38,4% (+1,1)
  • Muscles 26,8-26,5% (-0,3)
  • BMI 25,1-25,7
So I really do need to get a grip on myself and stop being lazy.
But right now I can't workout cause my right shoulder is somehow twisted so it hurts lifting my children or even taking out a cartoon of milk from the fridge... so I don't think it would be such a good idea to try lift some weights then.

I'll try to use the crosstrainer in the evening, hopefully that will be okay.

I'm also in a challenge to drink a smoothie every day! Fun and so far I've tasted 3 different ones. If you want to know more about them I suggest you look at my instagram where I publish photos of them and tags the ingredients.
Going to the grocerystore today I'll buy some more ingredients to be able to make more different and exciting and tasty ones.

And my July-food-goal (Junes was to stop using sugar in tea -and I succeeded) will be to drink atleast 0,5l water in the morning and in the afternoon. So atleast 1 liter (so far it has been good if I've drinked 0,5l over a whole day).
Also I'll try to stop eating sweets, chips, baked stuff... except for my fathers 60th birthday + sistersdaugters christian (at the same day, so will only be one day I eat it).

I know I can do it, and I will. I just hope my willpower is enough this time.

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